Monday, July 3
Our Own Personalized Blackhole

What if Eve didn't listen to the Devil's tempting offer of the forbidden fruit? (Or are you one of those people who aren't disturbed by the fact that a snake talked?) The Earth would be the paradise we live in. Truthfully, we wouldn't be suing each other over a piece of land--or some such pathetic reason.

Just imagine these. We wouldn't have home games to cheer on and visiting teams to jeer on. Your latest celebrity crush would be the nameless boy you just passed on your way to somewhere. (That is, if crushes exist.) We wouldn't notice that he and millions of others are actually hunks that don't wear a stitch of clothing on.

Our idea of an action movie would probably be a predator-hunting-prey in a safari. The tearjerker? The multicoloured stretch of different blooms basking in the glory of the sun. The waterfalls, the chirping of the birds, the laughter of everyone else around. We wouldn't need a master songwriter to create beautiful music. I guess, we would have missed much of what we have now.

In all honesty, I would give anything to have missed much. Because then we wouldn't have gone through the Black Plague, the First and Second World Wars, or be smack right in the middle in what seems to be the third. There wouldn't have been a web of terrorist networks and snakes would not be the walking variety. I'd pass up on the opportunity to see those bared washboard abs (huh! as if washboard abs would even be a part of my/our vocabulary) if it meant not having suffering, poverty, famine, and disease.

But Eve did eat that apple. And we are in the now of our miserable existence. What's the use of having all shallow, materialistic pleasures when we can't seem to stop killing each other? Or worse, even killing has become a pleasure for some. Do we still have hope that this evil we brought on ourselves will ever stop? I hope so. Because we are mired in our pitiful slow deaths without even knowing it. I hope we realise that soon enough or it will be too late. It almost is.

(Originally posted at The Kookie Jar.)



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