1. I have a big fear of big medicine tablets. It's because I have a history of not being able to swallow them right away causing me to puke most of the time. The sight of those 'gigantic' paracetamol, etc. tablets just makes me sicker. Whenever I feel like I'm coming down with something, I'm more worried of having to take meds than with what I'm really sick with. I'd rather have an injection shot any day.
2. I hate unlimited text messaging. I'm probably the only person who feels that way. Having my mobile inbox forty messages or so full of forwarded quotes or jokes does not make me a happy person. And that frequently happens when my friends go "unli." I might hate getting these messages but once they are in my inbox and I will start to like them, I won't be deleting them unless I've written them down in my "txt msg ntebuk." So when I don't have the time to write them all down, my inbox do get overcrowded.
3. I have the tendency to hate a person at first glance. I think it's a natural thing, if not for all then for most people. There are times when I first get to meet a person and would dislike him/her right away even before he/she has said or done anything. I'm sorry, that's just the way I am. I tried to tone it down lately but there really is no helping it. And no matter how well I get to know them better later on, 90% of the time my first impressions of them stick.
4. I have OCD. Well, I have not been officially diagnosed but having it doesn't really make one stupid so I know I have it. Have you read number 2 in this list? Or how about counting how many brushstrokes my hair gets? Or how about counting toothbrush strokes? Having my sneaker shoelaces on in a specific way? I could list down more stuff but it won't help the fact that I have it. I tried to stop anything that just seemed whacked out--like the hairbrush strokes. But then I just sort of start doing some things and all I can say is...here we go again.
5. I'm a loyal person and I think it sucks. Don't you think so? There are times when I just get tired of something (or someone!) but is too loyal to unlove them. I have stopped following the local basketball league since I was in high school but I still feel happy whenever I hear that my fave team before has a won a game, even if I no longer have any idea who the players in it are. Or I get irritated whenever someone bad mouths my old workplace, even if I quit my job there. God, I am such a nutcase!
Labels: The Bare Me
Hey, I found your blog through Jazz's. I'm with you on the first impression thing. I'm the same way. And, I think my boyfriend is a bit OCD. LOL about the text messaging thing. Crazy!
Hello, Season, welcome to my corner of blogland!!!
I know...crazy, crazy, crazy! I didn't know there was anything to it until I read an article on OCD and the hairbrush thingy was an example there. That just freaked me out! But I've gotten used to it. Pretty much. And the text messaging one...hmmm, it's a damn headache. Hahaha!
Kookie, something is SERIOUSLY wrong here, because I SWEAR I commented on this AGES ago.
I have issues.
Hello, Hols!
I dunno, girl, I didn't see your comments but it's nice to know you dropped by. I would've loved to know what you said but it's Blogger again...did you happen to switch to Beta already? Didn't they say that that issue is over and done with?
Hey you...I try not to be like #3, but sometimes its hard, huh? I can relate to #5 too, though I don't think it sucks...
Not doing # 3 is definitely hard...but it's during those times when I'm actually more than happy to be proven wrong and have a really cool new friend.
About # 5, well, being loyal is one thing but I just get tired when I can't undo it--and still feel loyal to something or someone not deserving of it.
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