Tuesday, August 8
In Sevens
Seven things--

--I want to do before I die.
  1. Have absolute peace in my life for a full month at the very least.
  2. Fall in love for real.
  3. Be loved in return and unconditionally--scars, cellulite (cellulite?) and all.
  4. Backpack through Europe.
  5. Bungee jump.
  6. Do serious volunteer work for a charity organization, especially for children.
  7. Learn how to drive.
--I can't do.
  1. Drive.
  2. Swim.
  3. Drink myself to oblivion.
  4. Have any of my dream pets.
  5. Hurt anyone intentionally.
  6. Live my life just to please others.
  7. Lose faith in God.
--That attract me to opposite sex.
  1. The physical--especially the eyes and the smile (I don't care if that came out too shallow).
  2. Intelligence.
  3. Character.
  4. A sense of humour.
  5. Doesn't smoke and probably doesn't drink alcohol (I am looking for a saint!)
  6. Definitely not a party animal.
  7. Knows and doesn't diss Becks on his every other breath (or thought!).
--Say most often.
  1. What the...!
  2. Helloer!
  3. Yeah, right.
  4. Aight.
  5. Holy guacamole!
  6. So sorry, so sad.
  7. Sh!t.
--Celebrity crushes.
  1. David Beckham. (the rest are always second best and could change by the minute you read the last name)
  2. Orlando Bloom.
  3. Enrique Murciano
  4. Channing Tatum
  5. Wentworth Miller
  6. Paul Walker
  7. Shane Ward
(Idea borrowed from the ladies of Sanctuary's Finest.)



Blogger Rowena said...

Ooh good list, we share a crush on Becks, Channing Tatum, Wentworth Miller and Paul Walker...GREAT LIST there woo hoo...

I used to say Holy Guacamole, but now I find myself saying, Oh Mylanta more these days...

Girl you don't know how to drive? It's like a necessity to live in L.A. And you would think that everyone would KNOW how to drive on the road, but they don't...stupid effers.

Blogger Holly said...

Great List! Very nice answers. ;)

I say Crap in the Face (which I stole from Dylan) and Cryin All Night in a Bucket most. Unless I'm really angry, then I say Cryin All Night In A Bucket of Dirty Water.

Don't ask, because I don't know.


Blogger Kookie said...

Dee--I get nervous just at the thought of going behind the wheel. Blame 100 Random Things item 89. And I don't want to become one of your stupid effers 'cause I know I'm gonna botch it!

Holly--LOL! I really wanna but ask so please do tell me when you do find out. ;o)

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