Tuesday, January 9
Mastering Procastination
...or something like it. Or maybe it was just as attack of a blogging slump. Hence, my absence. Not that there wasn't anything to blog about, only that I just wasn't up to putting words together to form a cohesive thought. But I refuse to be sucked into a blackhole so I decided I gotta drop by sometime and get my ass back into bloglandia. So I guess sometime is now. Although I'm not up to all out bloghopping yet.

Yeah, there were another year and here's another one. (I admit the slump might still have been an aftereffect of the Holidays hungover--even if I didn't have a drop of alcohol during the celebrations!) I had a wonderful Holidays and the best thing about it was actually meeting up with old friends.

One was right before Christmas. I met up with my friend Ristie and her boyfriend--Ristie and I have been friends since we were twelve and the last time we saw each other was in 2003, when we graduated from college. And we also met up with Jake another classmate from high school and whom I last saw around Holiday season in 1999. Lee Ann, my best friend who I meet up as much as our scheds will allow, and Jan, the Starbucks monster, completed our party of six. It would have been a bigger crowd had we planned it in advance but it was a last-minute plan for a weekend lunch date if there was one. But we had the best time while having lunch as we talk about what everyone's busy with these days. And then Jan dragged us off to Starbucks. His treat. Yey! And there we had an even better time reminiscing about high school and wondering what out tenth-year anniversary reunion in two years time would be like. That was one fun afternoon!

And another afternoon to remember was when I met up my two bestest friends in the world, Lee Ann and Olivia, on the 23rd of December. I had ball in that little get-together, too! This time the food was on Olive and she couldn't even finish her spaghetti carbonarra. And I couldn't finish my mushroom pizza. But who better to bail us out than Lee. All three of us have always been good eaters, that much I can tell you. My stomach ached from the food as much as from so much laughter. We talked about a lot of things (which couldn't be helped since we have been friends for more than ten years now) ranging from Lee's woes of not wanting to go back to grad school in the next semester to, what's new?, Hollywood gossip (at which Olive had to shake her head and roll her eyes at us). Oh, it felt wonderful to be home and be among old friends again! This was my first Christmas in Oriental Negros in three years and I haven't been home in as many years. Being home rocked!

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Blogger Rowena said...

Hey, I'm glad you had a great holiday meeting up with old friends and what not...so what year did you graduate? In 98 or 99? I graduated in 98...so it's all about Saxon Pride, Class of 98 baby....haha. I can't believe next year will be my 10 year high school reunion.


Glad to see you back around these parts, sweetie!

Blogger Holly said...

Shut up, Dee, my 10 year is THIS year. UGH.

Hey Kookie girl! Glad you got to see your friends again over the holidays. And glad, too, that you decided to blog again. :)

Blogger Rowena said...

LOL!...so old you are, LMAO.

Blogger Holly said...

You hush! Besides, no matter how old *I* get, Isabel will still be older.


Hi Kookie, sorry we took over your comments. :P

Blogger Kookie said...

Hello, girls!

I was glad to for having a good one, too. And yeah, I'm glad to be back in these parts. Hehehe! I was part of class of '99 although I'm still partially in denial that our 10th year anniverysary is already 2 years away.

Hey, no prob. I don't mind you, girls, running amok in here. LOL!

Blogger Holly said...

We're good for entertainment value if nothing else, right?

Blogger Kookie said...

Your entertainment value is off the charts, that's for sure! :o)

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