Wednesday, November 15
Blogging and Me p.2
1. What makes you visit a blog? It could either be that the blog was a blog search result or I found the blog on someone else's blogroll.

2. What makes you come back to it?
Most of the time it's common interests that keep me coming back for more. If we watch the same shows, dig the same movies, listen to the same music, read the same books, like the same sport, etc. then it's guaranteed that I'm gonna go back. The rest of the time, it's the tone or style of writing that keeps me interested. We might not have a lot of common grounds to cover, but if the blogger's writing style is something I could connect with then it's sometimes enough to keep me interested.

3. Do you read the archives of a new blog you find? Or of ones you visit frequently?
Maybe if I have a lot of time in my hands I will. Because I really want to in some cases whenever I get uber-excited about the blog.

4. Do you comment on all blogs you read? Or only some? What makes you comment or not?
I don't post a comment just because I have read a certain article. I post comments on articles I can relate to and when I'm pretty confident that I'm right in saying something in the first place.

5. Do you like it when someone responds to your comment with one of their own, or do you not care?
It's always nice when someone replies to my comments but if they don't, it would be fine. It's not the end of the world.

6. How often does a blog need to update for you to keep visiting? A few days? Once a week? Once every couple of weeks? I am the wrong person to ask that question because I myself only update my blog whenever I can. So I think I'm really not in the position to say how often it has to be updated for it to be interesting. As long as it's updated regularly and great articles keep on popping every time, that'll absolutely be fine with me.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aww. You answered. How sweet. :D

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