Monday, July 2
Who would have thought that for someone who didn't know who or what Optimus Prime is, I would enjoy this film so much? Honestly, I just went to see it because I loved the trailer. Unlike the guy friends I went along with to watch Transformers last night, I wasn't singing the anime version's soundtrack all the way to the theater (and back!).

And boy, did I have fun or what! It was well worth the money I spent to watch it. I really felt blind going into the theater because I didn't know a thing about the cartoon version. I'm not exactly big on animation films, and especially nothing about robots for Pete's sake. But then I was impressed by the trailer when I first saw it and I was thinking of seeing if I have the time. But what the heck, when it arrived in the theaters last week, I just had to make time to see it.

I don't regret it one bit. Nuh uh. Of course, it didn't help my cause any since I practically worhip at the altar of Michael Bay--his Armageddon happens to be my all-time fave movie. So there. And yeah, I'm one of the few who saw Pearl Harbor more than once and will probably see it again. I think a new film from him would hardly disappont me. And then there's producer Steven Spielberg. One of the best there is although I was disappointed by that last alien movie he did with that short guy (don't ask me who). But he pretty much earned my respect once again after this effort to a point that I want my own pet Transformer in my backyard. That just is, I don't have one. A backyard, I mean.
Oh, and did I mention that Josh Duhamel and Tyrese AND Amaury Nolasco was in the film, too? (Yes, Lee, Sucre is in the picture!) Yey! But it's really hard to consider who the real winner of this film was--except for the studio, that is, once they're done counting how much the box office earning will be. Just about everything clicked the right way for this movie--it had all the right comedic wise-ass comments thrown in plus a little teeny-bopper romance. And then some really funny robots--watch them try to hide themselves when Sam first brought them home. Absurd! Bay also did his trademark speech scenes (Jon Voight as the Secretary of Defense) and those slow-mo takes he shoots in each film he does. And he happens to worship in the altar of big action sequences as well so it goes without saying that there's a plenty big explosive moments in the entire film. Love it!

Right. I have decided who the real winner in the film is--Bumblebee. I want a Bumblebee of my own. Really. If there ever was a scoundrel of a robot, it's a Bumblebee in all his glory. That stunt he pulled when Sam was trying to impress his crush Mikaela (played by the hot Megan Fox) was something else. Up until now, I still can't get the song "Baby, Come Back" outta my head. LOL! You have to see it because I wouldn't be able to do it justice if I try to narrate it .

So for those who haven't seen the movie, hie yourself to the theater nearest you, like, now!



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