Sunday, April 1
Terminal LSD
Oh, and by the way, we at the house have been singing "Not Pretty Enough" by Kasey Chambers practically non-stop. It's as tacky as they come so I really don't know why we do it. But it can be so apropos at times so it really couldn't be helped. Suffice it to say that it has been on mind a lot. It might even be in my mind even when I'm asleep. I'm that sick of Last Song Syndrome. LOL!

And the video was even tackier than the song so instead of inserting it here, I found a couple of tribute clips I found on YouTube that will do instead. I'm really confused on which is the best one so I'm posting both-- a Phantom of the Opera tribute, and then clips of Hermione and Ron (oh, young love). I think they gave the song some cred.


Speaking of songs, I'm doing away with my song blog SongGeist. I have been so busy lately that I barely have time to seriously blog. Besides, it has become a have-to blog and I don't want
not to be spontaneous about it. So I think it's time to bid it cheerio, ta-ta, adios!

And this is not even An April Fool's Day stunt...

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